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Preventative Dentistry
in Lebanon, IN

Did you know that most oral health concerns—like cavities and gum disease—are preventable? By scheduling routine checkups with our Lebanon family dentist, you can help keep your smile healthy for a lifetime.

Preventative Dentistry in Lebanon, IN

Preventative Checkups and Cleans

Most oral health concerns—like gum disease and tooth decay—can be prevented with a good oral hygiene routine and regular checkups. Our Lebanon family dentist recommends scheduling six-monthly visits to keep your smile healthy. This intermittent scale and cleans also allow us to intercept any potential concerns while they’re smaller or still reversible. 

What to Expect

During your comprehensive examination, we’ll screen for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, TMJ disorder, oral cancer, and evaluate your existing dental work. We’ll also share your images with you so that you can better understand any conditions that need to be addressed. 

Our patients with healthy gums and bone levels usually benefit from a preventative cleaning every six months to remove buildup from hard-to-reach spaces. After that, we’ll polish away any surface stains and review modified home care techniques if needed. If there are any treatment needs, we’ll work up an itemized care plan and review our recommendations with you.

Will I Need X-rays?

Digital X-rays allow us to see areas of your smile that aren’t visible during a clinical exam. Such as between teeth, around the roots, inside of the bone, and underneath the chewing surfaces, not to mention checking for wisdom teeth. Diagnostic X-rays are essential for treating oral disease in its earliest stages. We use digital technology that is extremely safe for all ages, ensuring the best patient care experience for your family. 

Fluoride and Dental Sealants

Early access to protective sealants and fluoride treatments can help your child reduce their chances of cavities in the future. Fluoride is recommended after each cleaning to remineralize weak or eroding tooth enamel. In fact, fluoride can remineralize areas before a physical cavity erodes through the outer layer of tooth structure. 

Dental sealants protect hard-to-clean spaces like the deep grooves and pits on the chewing surfaces of molars (back teeth.) For best results, sealants should be placed shortly after the molars erupt, which is usually around ages 6 and 12, respectively. Sealants are protective covers that make these surfaces easier to clean with a toothbrush, giving your child a head start when it comes to growing up cavity-free. 

Periodontal Disease Treatment

Anyone with an active periodontal infection may need to be scheduled for a separate deep cleaning (scaling and root planing.) Common symptoms of periodontitis involve:

  • Receding gumlines
  • Swollen, bleeding, red gum tissues
  • Heavy tartar buildup
  • Tooth mobility
  • Sore teeth
  • Chronic bad breath

Although gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, the side effects are much further reaching than just your smile. Unmanaged periodontal infections statistically raise your chances of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, pneumonia, infertility, and unmanaged diabetes. By treating chronic oral infections at their source, we can prevent bacteria from spreading elsewhere and reduce the strain on your immune system. 

No Matter What Your Smile Has Been Through, We’re Here to Help

At Cartwright Dental you can expect a judgment-free atmosphere where we help you achieve the healthy, functional smile that you deserve. Each of our services is built upon a foundation of preventative care so that you have the resources you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy for the years ahead.

Are You Due for a Checkup?

Book your six-month visit online today.